These are just some of the activities and training on offer at our squadron…

Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme

If you’re 14 or over, then you can begin – just ask the instructors in our squadron and they’ll help you get started.

Flying and gliding

There are plenty of opportunities for cadets to get in the air.  It’s our aim to get you airborne as often as possible.


Fieldcraft is an essential part of the Air Cadet’s training syllabus and the place where team effort really matters.

STEM, Space & Cyber

Get fully immersed in STEM, Space & Cyber activities like designing and programming automated cars to navigate through a cardboard maze!


As an air cadet you can take part in seven main sports at different levels – football, rugby, hockey, netball, swimming, athletics and cross-country.

Drill and Ceremonial

Showing your ability to work in a team and display the high standards of dress and behaviour which Air Cadets are renowned for. 


Leadership Training

Leadership involves guiding and inspiring cadets by example, fostering teamwork, and building confidence. It focuses on developing strong character and leadership qualities while preparing cadets for future challenges.


Our aim is to introduce you to music within the cadets, provide you with musical instruction and the opportunity to play in our squadron band.


What sort of activities do the air cadets do?

We get to do a huge variety of activities such as flying, gliding, target shooting, adventure training, sports, camps, drill, academic studies and lots of other things. There’s never a dull moment.

How old must I be to join?

You can join when you’re 13, or 12 if you’re already in year 8 at school, and usually leave when you’re 20.

How many times a week does the ATC meet?

We meet twice a week. Friday evenings and Sunday mornings. We do have extra activities on different nights of the week if you want to try something extra, such as Band Practice on Mondays and Canoeing on Wednesdays in the Summer.

How long does an Air Cadet session last?

Our parades are normally 3 – 3 1/2 hours long This gives you plenty of time to complete homework and to deal with other commitments. We have cadets that have other comitment such as football training or music lessons as well as studying for exams and they manage to fit it all in! Give it a go – the opportunities are fantastic…

Is there a good balance between the various activities?

Yes, there are lots of opportunities to do fun activities as well as the more serious side of things, but the focus is always on enjoying yourself while improving your skills.

What sort of expeditions can be done through the Air Cadets?

There are a huge amount of expedition opportunities, some overseas, but the most well known and popular option is the Duke of Edinburgh Award which entails overnight expeditions. They’re great fun. But there are lots of other expeditions that pop up regularly.

How much does it cost?

There’s a small subscription to cover the running costs which is £15 per month making it great value for money considering what you get out of it (you have to pay this wether you attend or not). You can pay weekly or set up automatic payments through a bank.

Do I have to buy my own uniform? If so, does it cost a lot?

No, the uniform is free (there is a small refundable deposit) but you have to look after it. You may have to buy your own shoes though!

Is it easy to get on with people and make new friends?

Yes! Everyone is very friendly and you always feel welcome. As we’re all cadets we have loads in common.

How often do you get to go flying?

You can go at least once a year but as some cadets focus on other activities sometimes you can fly much more frequently, it’s fantastic!

What about disabled people – can they join?

Absolutely! You are very welcome providing you can take part in a reasonable number of activities and as long as your disability does not cause you safety problems. Your local squadron staff will be happy to speak to you about this.

Ready for adventure?
Book a place on our next intake.